Financial Assistance Application
Please complete one for each player requesting financial assistance. Any financial assistance will be reviewed and must be approved by both the Head Coach and the Club.
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Player's Name *
Parent's Name *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number *
Team *
What percentage of the club fee can you afford to pay? *
As background, please remember that at a minimum, UYSA collects roughly $110-160, depending on age, and if you don't have a uniform (or need a new one), that is another $250. Any summer tournaments would be $65 per player, and winter leagues are $100 per player, and none of these fees are part of the financial assistance program. The club fee is what the financial assistance is applied to. We offer varying level of financial assistance for the club fee, up to 100%.
(optional) Please write any other information that would be helpful to understand for this application for financial assistance.
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