How can we help you and your business?
The New Bronx Chamber of Commerce is here to help your business. Please fill out the below information and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Job Title
Company Email *
Cell Phone *
Work Phone
Are you a Chamber Member? *
Company Name (as written on your tax filings) *
Company Address
Is your company M/WBE Certified? *
Entity Tax Classification (LLC, Corp, SCorp, 501c3, etc.) *
Do you rent or own your space?
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Have you received financial funding from any of the following providers: Small Business Administration(SBA) or Small Business Services (SBS)
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If yes, when did you apply, when did you get approved, and which bank institution did you use?
Other services you may be interested in. *
What is the best way to contact you? *
What time is best to contact you?
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Preferred Language *
Arnold & Porter Pro-Bono Services: Please give a brief description on the services you are needing.
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Below add any questions or comments you may have. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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