2022-2023 SWE Graduate Programming Coordinator-Elect Application Form
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Please fill out the form below with the requested information.

Deadline for applications is Saturday, March 20th at 11:59 pm EST.
All applications will then be reviewed and applicants will be contacted during the week of March 21-25

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the current GPC (Alyssa Stubbers) at gradsweprogramming@gmail.com.
The work of Society of Women Engineers groups is vital to SWE's mission. This application will help current leadership select a qualified, diverse, and motivated leader for the graduate programming coordinator-elect position for FY22/FY23.

Graduate Programming Coordinator-Elect (GPC-Elect):
This position carries a two year term (one year as coordinator-elect and one year as coordinator) filled by a SWE graduate student or recent Ph.D./M.S. graduate. The position is filled following the Society conference (eg. the position runs February 2021 to December 2022). Time commitment is usually 2-3 hours/week and is closer to 7-10 hours/week in the weeks before the annual conference. All meetings are through conference calls, except for the required annual conference attendance for both WE22 and WE23.

Goals of Graduate Programming Coordinator and Graduate Programming Coordinator-Elect
-Increase representation of graduate-focused content at annual conferences by holding brainstorming conference calls, following up with people who have expressed interest in holding sessions in the past, and working with our CAB representative to push for graduate focused talks to be selected.
-Work with the WE Local Liaison to improve graduate participation at WE Local conferences via social media platforms by pushing the call for talk submissions and by encouraging networking of members at annual conference.
-Provide informational and community building opportunities at annual conference, both formal and informal, through a casual meet-up, graduate focused sessions, the GradSWE Member meeting, and the GradSWE Student Reception.
It is absolutely critical that applicants are able to attend  WE22 in Houston, TX from October 20-22, 2022 and WE23 in Los Angeles, CA from October 26-28, 2023. Travel funding may be available but is not guaranteed.
All applicants should meet the following minimum qualifications:

- SWE member in good standing
- General SWE knowledge
- Prior leadership experience
- Good communication skills
- Effective in team environments
- Will be a graduate student from sometime from Feb 2021-December2022

Name *
SWE Member Number *
Member Section/Affiliate/Member at Large *
Email Address *
Permanent Address *
Preferred Phone *
Please concisely share your leadership experience and motivation for becoming GPC-elect
Please let us know why you would like this position *
Please include:  1) What aspirations, ideas, or vision do you have for this position or the Graduate Leadership team?   2) What unique contributions will you make to the position and the Leadership team if you are selected?   3) What ideas do you have to support graduate students through their advanced degrees and the transition after graduation?
How would you further SWE's mission as GPC-Elect? *
SWE's mission is to "Empower women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion." How would you accomplish this as the GPC-E?
What experience(s) in your background do you believe is important for this position? *
 Include SWE, professional, or other organizational experience and list any involvement/attendance in SWE conferences
Have you previously attended a SWE conference (annual meeting or WE Local)? If so, which? Did you participate in specific programs (e.g. SWEFL, CLI, ALWE) or give a presentation? *
Please describe your anticipated graduate school milestones over the next two years (e.g. qualifying exams, oral qualifying exams, major technical conferences, thesis defense, etc.). Be as specific as possible with respect to dates. *
At your discretion you may attach any other information that you'd like the selection committee to consider. Examples are a SWE resume, professional resume, or personal statement. *
Leader Code of Service
Please note that all SWE members are expected to abide by SWE's Code of Service.
Do you agree to abide by SWE's Code of Service? *
Captionless Image
Electronic Signature
Please type your full name in the box below. By typing your name, you are electronically signing this form. *
Please enter today's date *
Any other comments or questions?
Thank you very much for your application. You will be contacted soon.
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