Refund Request Form
After you fill out this request, I will submit your request to bookkeeping. All requests will be handled as quickly as possible. If you would like to be mailed a check, please remember that the mail out of Key West takes longer than standard USPS service and you should expect to wait 10-14 days for delivery once mailed. Credit Card refunds can only be processed if the original charge was posted with the last 120 days.
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Your name *
Email Address *
What was the scheduled departure date of your cancelled trip? *
How many tickets were held under your name? *
Did you utilize a discount when posting this reservation?
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Refund options *
Please specify the payment platform on which you wish to be refunded
User Id or Mailing Info *
Please provide the contact info associated with the above chosen payment platform. This could mean your phone number, your user ID, your email address or your mailing address. Please refer to your payment platform of choice if you are unsure
Questions and comments
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