Thank you for your interest in the Annenberg Center!

This form is intended to provide us with initial information of the needs of potential clients of the Annenberg Center. This form must be submitted for your event to be considered. A final commitment to use Annenberg Center facilities is not made until a Facility Use Agreement has been issued by the Annenberg Center, signed by the client and returned with the Event Deposit as specified in the Facility Use Agreement.  

After reviewing your questionnaire and determining availability of our venue, we will contact you to discuss the potential next steps involved in holding your event at the Annenberg Center.

-AC Events Team

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Today's Date: *
Name of Event: *
Requested Venue/Facility: *
Event Date(s) (mm/dd/yyyy) and times requested: *
Feel free to provide a range of dates, multiple options for dates, or the month/year you plan to have your event if you don't have an exact date in mind yet.
Please check a box that corresponds with your event budget range: *
Organization Details:
Organization Name: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Phone Number:
Please check the box that corresponds with your affiliation: *
Primary Contacts for Organization and Event:
Name: *
Position: *
Phone #1: *
Cell Phone:
E-mail: *
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