Family Support Project Survey

We are seeking funding for a family support project and want to understand the need and prove to the funders that this is something that will be beneficial to the women we support.  All responses will be completely anonymous and will remain confidential.  We will only report statistics (numbers).

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What is your marriage status? *
What is your sexuality? *
What is your ethnicity? *
What is your age range? *
What is your employment status? *
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? *

Please tell us why you are engaging with TW (please tick all that apply):

Could you explain your household composition:


Describe your household


Are you in touch with your immediate family (brothers, sisters, mother, father, grandparents)?


Are you interested in repairing any relationships you might have lost in the past (if applicable)?


Is there anything we could support you with to help you and (any members of) your family become closer?


If there has been a relationship breakdown in your family unit, could you tell us a little bit about this? (this will be completely confidential)


If TW delivered regular parenting/ family support courses, would you attend these? 

Do you have children? *
How many children do you have? *
Are your children still living with you at home? *
If your children aren't living with you, do you have access to them? *
If you do not have access to your children, are you currently working towards getting some form of contact? *
Are your children still in school? *
If you have school aged children, do you feel confident being involved in your child's educational development? *
Would you benefit from support to help with your children(s) education?
What type of support would you like to help your children with their education? *
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