Demand NASW Hold Senator Sinema Accountable
Fill out the form below to endorse, as an individual or an organization, Boston Liberation Health's letter, "Demand NASW Hold Senator Sinema Accountable" which can be found here:

If you, like us, believe that Senator Krysten Sinema has violated the NASW Code of Ethics and that the NASW has a responsibility to act, then we invite you to sign and show your support for the letter linked above.

UPDATE (1/20/22)
We commend the NASW for rightfully recognizing Senator Sinema's actions as a violation of our shared Code of Ethics in their letter (please see below for a link) leading into yesterday's vote. We are deeply disappointed that Sen. Sinema used her power to continue the racist and discriminatory disenfranchisement of voters in opposing the abolition of the undemocratic filibuster. As the NASW made clear in their letter, Sen. Sinema knew in advance that her actions would violate our Code of Ethics - now the NASW must act to publicly condemn her decision and begin a professional review process in light of her clear, deliberate, and knowing violation. If the NASW fails to do so, it will have made the Code effectively meaningless.

Background & Context:

We, the Steering Committee of Boston Liberation Health, contend that Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema is in direct violation of the National Association of Social Worker’s (NASW’s) Code of Ethics in her failure to fully support all necessary measures required for the passage of voting rights legislation. In particular, her recent floor speech in opposition of changing the undemocratic filibuster rule so that the Senate may pass the Freedom to Vote: John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 5746), demonstrates her willingness to violate our ethical code, in spite of invoking her status and training as a social worker in the same speech. We believe that Senator Sinema failed to adhere to our profession’s stated responsibility to “pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people” and duty to “act to prevent and eliminate domination of, exploitation of, and discrimination against any person, group, or class.”

The NASW must wield the power of the organization and its membership and take action against the most high profile members of our profession when they so egregiously violate our Code of Ethics. To allow someone holding as much power as Senator Sinema to disregard our shared values and ethics is to render them meaningless. If we are to believe in the sincerity behind the words of NASW president Mildred Joyner’s own statement on the matter, that Senator Sinema must “uphold the most sacred duty to protect the right to vote and to do what is necessary to pass these critically needed bills,” then we absolutely must see the NASW employ whatever means are at its disposal to apply pressure to a representative of our profession.

We also stand in complete and total solidarity with the students and faculty of Arizona State University’s School of Social Work who had previously voiced their concerns about the School's relationship with Senator Sinema. Dr. Elizabeth Lightfoot’s feeble response to the student’s just demand was an abject failure at navigating the ethical dilemmas that occur when the Code of Ethics is in conflict with the law.

The NASW must not repeat the mistakes made by the ASU School of Social Work’s administration and surrender the validity of our Code of Ethics. If we claim these to be our guiding principles, then we must mobilize whatever means we have available to enforce them when they are flaunted by our most powerful and high profile colleagues. To do anything less is to abandon them completely.

If you share our concerns, please read the letter linked above and sign below to voice your support.

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