Arlington GOP 8th District Convention Delegate
Pursuant to the approved Call for Mass Meeting of the Arlington County Members of the Republican Party of Virginia, please find the electronic form to sign up to become a delegate to the 2022 8th District Republican Convention, which will be held Saturday, May 21st at The Waterford at Springfield (6715 Commerce Street, Springfield, VA 22150).

Prospective delegates from Arlington must be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party. Arlington Republicans may file as delegates without being members of the Arlington County Republican Committee.

Other details of the 2022 8th District Republican Convention can be found here: 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Address 1 (ex. 123 Main Street) *
Address 2
County *
ZIP Code *
Precinct (if known)
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Statement of Intent (Type Your Full Legal Name) *
I, ______________________________________________________________, hereby declare my intention to seek election as a Delegate from Arlington County to the 8th Congressional District Republican Committee Convention on May 21, 2022. In accordance with the Qualifications for Participation set forth in the State Party Plan and the Arlington County Republican Committee Mass Meeting Call adopted on February 23, 2022, I state that I am a legal resident and a duly registered voter in Arlington County, and I do hereby state my intent to support ALL of the nominees of the Republican Party in the 2022 general election.
I would like to make a voluntary contribution to the 8th District Republican Committee. *
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