Protect Water, Health and Climate: Join the Fight Against New Oil Production in Santa Barbara
Three oil companies - AERA, PetroRock, and ERG - are collectively proposing to drill over 750 new oil wells in Northern Santa Barbara County. These wells would drill through the Santa Maria Vally Groundwater Basin which provides drinking water to over 200,000 people. We have just 12 years left to reduce fossil fuel emissions in half.  We need to be moving towards a 100% renewable economy, which means it's time to be done with fossil fuels - for our health, climate, and air and water. The first rule of holes is when you're in one, stop digging. To keep fossil fuels in the ground in Santa Barbara, we need your help! Will you come canvass with us and your friends this summer to get the word out?

Please enter your name and phone number in this form to sign up for a date to canvass with us! We'll send you a text a couple of days before the day you've sign up for as a reminder. We will also spend the first half hour training you up to canvass like a badass. REMEMBER to bring hats, sunscreen, and water.
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