Unique Device Identification (UDI) Declaration Form
GS1 is accredited as an UDI issuing agency based on regulations worldwide, in particular US, EU, China, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. In that capacity, GS1 is required by law to declare to the U.S. FDA on an annual basis which companies use GS1 barcode numbers to identify medical devices for UDI purposes. To enable this, please ensure that your answers to the following questions below are accurate and up to date at all times.

For more information on latest terms and conditions, you may refer to Appendix 1: Unique Device Identification via https://wecatalog.gs1.org.sg/GS1LicenseAgreement.aspx

Click this link for more information about UDI: https://gs1.org.sg/Industry/Healthcare/WhatisUDI(UniqueDeviceIdentification).aspx
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Company Name *
Company Address *
Full Name *
Designation *
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Company Prefix *
Does your company use GS1 barcode numbers to identify medical devices for UDI purposes? *
I consent to GS1 Singapore keeping my data for the purpose of this UDI Declaration and I understand it will be handled in accordance with GS1 Singapore’s privacy policy.
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