Ukraine: A People's Peace, not an Imperial Peace

Here you find the declaration in different languages.

The coming months will be very difficult for the Ukrainian resistance against the Russian occupying forces. In coordination with the Ukrainian government, the Swiss government will organise an international peace conference near Lucerne on 15/16 June.

We believe that this peace conference is an important occasion to raise awareness for the struggle of self-defence of the Ukrainian people against Russian occupation out of the workers' perspective. That is why we want to counter the ambitions of the official peace conference with an internationalist perspective based on solidarity and oriented towards a radical social and ecological transformation in all over Europe. We stand together for Ukrainian self-determination and in favour of the democratic overthrow of the Putin regime.

The Bewegung für den Sozialismus /Mouvement pour le Socialisme (BFS/MPS) and solidaritéS - anticapitalist, feminist and ecosocialist organisation, both in Switzerland, the democratic socialist NGO Sotsialnyi Rukh in Ukraine, the Russian Posle Media Collective and emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie (DE, AT, CH) agreed to launch a joint declaration to intervene in the international debates on peace perspectives.

We invite individuals to sign this declaration.

Below I sign the public Declaration "Ukraine: A People's Peace, not an Imperial Peace" and I agree that my name will be published.

En bas je signe la déclaration publique « Ukraine : Une paix populaire, pas une paix impériale » et j'accepte que mon nom soit publié.

Unten unterschreibe ich die öffentliche Erklärung "Ukraine: ein Frieden der Bevölkerungen, kein imperialer Frieden" und stimme zu, dass mein Name veröffentlicht wird.

Abajo firmo la Declaración pública «Ukraine: A People's Peace, not an Imperial Peace»  y acepto que se publique mi nombre.

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