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Customer order information
Modify MDS your order
MDS (Microgreen Delivery Service) plus your special orders. Please select at least $16 worth of microgreens and at total order of $20 or more. If you go over $20 I will send you an invoice for the balance.
If you do want to order more goodies- look in the online store to see what is available and use this order form write in entry area for what you'd like to order (just as you have done before). I will send you an invoice using the square invoice system. (the invoicing is also in beta testing phase)
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Delivery or Farmers market pick up
Home delivery
Pick up at Davisville Appletree market tues
Pick up at Yorkminster Midtown Appletree Market Thurs
Pick up at Underpass Market Thurs
Pick up at Withrow Park Market Sat
Street address
Your answer
Zip code/Postal Code
Your answer
Cell number (to receive delivery notice text) no spaces or dashes 4161234567
Your answer
Any special delivery instructions (Such as, "I will leave a yellow cooler on the porch for you to leave the delivery")
Your answer
Microgreen packaging options
Whatever is available is fine with me
Plastic bag (such as a zip lock bag or produce bag)
Clam shell
Pick up at Farmers market in a plastic bag
Pick up at Farmers market in clam shell
Pick up at Farmers market and I will bring my own container
House microgreen sampler
House sampler $16 : 240g
House sampler $20 : 300g (available in bag only)
Pea Shoots microgreens
Pea shoots $6 : 100g
2 small Pea shoots $12
Pea shoots $20 : full tray (available in bag only)
Radish microgreens
Radish $6 : 85g
2 small Radish $12
Radish $20 full tray (available in bag only)
Mellow mix microgreens
Mellow mix $6 : 50g
2 small Mellow mix $12
Mellow mix $20 : full tray
Mustard microgreens
Mustard $6 : 50g
2 small Mustard $12
Mustard $20 : full tray
Pesto Microgreen (if available)
$9 Mustard & Pea microgreen, olive oil, garlic (125ml)
$9 Radish microgreen, olive oil, garlic (125ml)
$9 House mix microgreens, olive oil, garlic (125ml)
$9 Basil (adult), olive oil, garlic (125ml)
$9 Basil (adult plant), cheese, olive oil, garlic
$9 House mix microgreens, basil, cheese, olive oil, garlic
Any of these but without garlic
Order a special offer of this week: (such as hummus, olive oil, jelly- see newsletter for whats available)
Your answer
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