On the Fly podcast guest questionnaire
On the Fly covers Bay Area restaurants/hospitality industry businesses, initiatives, and people who are change-makers, innovators, and leaders during the coronavirus pandemic whose stories and ideas need to be told.

Is there an inspiring story, a solution, an idea, an initiative, a hero, a call for help, a resource, an offer, an amazing takeout special, or anything else you want to let us know about and share? Get in touch here and pitch your story.

Please note: we won’t be able to feature GoFundMe fundraisers for individuals/businesses, sadly there are just too many. Stay strong.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Who/what are you? *
The pitch: what do you want us to share/know about? *
Is there a website we should look at?
Contact info (name):
Your email *
Phone number
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