UPDATE April 6: We sent this to the Washington State Senate with over 50 original signers -- see the version posted on wa-privacy.net, which also has an update on how much of what we asked for the Senate actually did and what the next steps are.
We need your help to get the Washington state legislature to pass a strong version of My Health My Data and protect the privacy and safety of people seeking reproductive and gender-affirming health care.
Add your voice to our grassroots letter to the state legislature to ensure these protections are as strong as possible. You can sign on as an individual using this Google Form – or (if you want a more privacy-friendly way of signing on) use this CryptPad Form.
Please share with your friends, family, and acquaintances and ask them to sign on as well! Big Tech is pushing legislators to weaken the bill, and the best way to push back is letting legislators know how many of us want strong protections for our health data. Once we've got enough signatures, we'll send the letter to state legislators, and add the list of signatures to the version posted on wa-privacy.net.
Dear members of the Washington State Legislature,
My Health My Data (ESHB 1155) provides critical protections for consumer health data from websites, apps, wearables like Fitbits – data which is not currently covered by HIPAA. These protections are all the more important since Roe has been overturned and states are criminalizing people who seek and provide reproductive and gender-affirming health care (and anybody who helps them).
Almost 1000 people signed in PRO to support the original version of My Health My Data, including healthcare providers, patients, reproductive rights organizations, and gender justice organizations. Stop the exploitation of Washingtonians' most personal and sensitive data by passing a strong My Health My Data bill. As your constituents, we urgently need these protections NOW.
Note: Affiliations are for informational purposes only and do not constitute organizational endorsement.
Janet Carson, Sammamish, LD 5
Jerimiah Willhite, LD 44
Andrew Beyer, LD 43
Elizabeth O'Donoghue , Island, Greenbank, LD10
Carollynn Zimmers, CD-6 LD-23
Sarah L Richards, Indivisible Kirkland, 48th LD
Vivian Rogers Decker , LD 10
Christine Kohnert, LD 40
Vicki McMullin, LD 36
Jared Moore, University of Washington School of Computer Science, Seattle
Raquel Clavette , Island County
Lynn Keating, Indivisible Bellingham, State District 40
Julia Ban, Bellingham
Ginny Baker, LD 40
Kevin S. Leja, Indivisible Bellingham , 40th
Victoria Savage , LD42
Sanford Savage, LD42
Sara Dougherty , Bellingham, WA
Andrew Reding, Whatcom County Democrats, Whatcom County
MD Speck, Island
Nancy Alexandra Cortes , None, Island County
Courtney Jensen, Whatcom
Harold Mills, Whatcom, Bellingham, 42
Lisa Ornstein, none, Thurston
Lizanne Schader, 42nd
Kate Schwarz, Island County
Adolf, Coupeville
Martha Bartlett , 42nd District
Suzanne Mitten-Lewis, Blaine, WA
Eileen Angilletta , Bellingham
Cynthia Zaferatos , 40th
Kristen Dorwin, 1st LD (Kirkland, WA)
Judith E. Zeidel, State District 40 and Congressional District 2
Linda Hood, Indivisible Tacoma, University Place
Maya Morales, WA People's Privacy
Sharon Belk-Krebs, LD 40
Janice Condrin, Whatcom County
Michelle Harmeier, Legislative District 42
Rosemary Woodyard, Bellingham
Ann V. Stevenson, Bellingham WA Whatcom County
Deborah Parker , LD 40
Vanessa Muller, None, Anacortes
Cynthia Spiess, LD 43
Kathleen Whitlock
Charles Whitlock
Deborah Carstens, Wallingford Indivisible, LD 46
Meryle A. Korn, Whatcom County, WA
John Graber, Bellingham
Alison Merz, State District 40
Linda Wehrman, Indivisible Whidbey, Coupeville
Karen Hofmann, Indivisible Bellingham, LD42
Ellen Floyd, 27th LD
William L Wallace, Associate Professor, WWU. Retired, Bellingham
Jade Phillips, District 40
Adriane Fain, Coupeville, WA
Karen Studders, JD, Member, National Lawyers Guild, WA Privacy Organizers, WA Tech Equity Coalition , LD 32