ConVal Summer Program Registration Form 2024
The ConVal School District has summer learning opportunities available for elementary, middle, and high school students. The programs will begin the week of July 7 and will end on August 1.

Programs take place at Antrim Elementary, Peterborough Elementary, and ConVal High School. More specific level/program information will be shared as your work your way through the form. 

Please note: The learning opportunities in this survey are separate from Extended School Year (ESY) for students with Individualized Education Plans.  If a student does not qualify for ESY, he/she/they may enroll in one of the programs in this survey.

Please fill out a separate registration form for each student you are enrolling. 

A few important things to note about the District Summer Programs:
  • ConVal Summer Programs are free of charge and registration is open to all enrolled/registered ConVal students  
  • The District will work with STA to provide bus transportation to and from summer programming; however, given staff shortages, it is not guaranteed at this time. If transportation is available, bus routes will likely be limited to one or two central stops per town. As soon as we know more we will reach out.
  • The District will work to provide lunch to students, but it is not guaranteed at this time. As soon as we know more we will reach out
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out:
  • Elementary Summer Program Contact: Kathie Morrocco ( and Amy Janoch (
  • Middle and High Summer Academy Contacts: Rachael Bowman and Ashley Mudrick (
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
What town does your student reside in? *
Student's grade in Fall of 2024: *
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