Restorative Circle Facilitator Training: January 23-24, 2025

2025 Restorative Circle Facilitator Training: January 23-24 from 9am-4pm at Lavender House, 350 E. 27th Street, Holland, MI 49423. 

We are living in a fractured society where conflict and division is tearing at the social fabric. This two-day training is for anyone who is eager to actively build strong communities, families, work environments and faith communities. You will learn how to communicate and collaborate during times of conflict or even just around different points of view. You will develop skills that can be put to practice immediately in informal ways and will also learn how to facilitate a formal restorative circle as well. 

Cost: $250  Payment can be made via this Payment Link or by sending a check. Details below.

Catered lunch and snacks are included both days. Alternatively, you can bring your own lunch. A fridge and microwave will be available. 

Rev. Jill Russell, one of the founders and trainers of Holland Restorative Circles, will be leading this training at Lavender House which is her home in Holland. 

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Lunch Plans: For the sake of planning, please provide the following information.  *
Dietary Needs/Allergies: Please list any dietary needs or food allergies you have that should be taken into account for the catered lunch and snacks. You will be notified if your needs cannot be accommodated so that you can make arrangements to bring your own lunch. 
Cost and Forms of Payment: Please indicate below how you will be paying for the training. 

The training cost is $250 which includes snacks and lunch for the two-day training.  Please do not let cost keep you from this training; use the next question to share your needs in this regard.

Payment can be made at this Payment Link or by sending a check written out to Jill Russell and mailed to 350 E. 27th Street, Holland, MI 49423.

Anything you would like to share with Jill? (Questions, concerns, accommodations needed, payment plans etc...)
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