CACHS Transcript Request Form
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Email *
Student Information
Student Name *
Year of Graduation *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Telephone Number *
E-Mail Address *
Information for CACHS Guidance Office
This is a request for the following *
Student Status *
Test Score(s) requested:
Date(s) of test(s):
If you would like to pick up your transcript, please check below.  Otherwise, please provide the address (below under "other")  we can send your information. *
I, the [applicant, requestor, etc.] for this [type of form], warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application. *
Student:  Please type your First and Last Name
I, the [applicant, requestor, etc.] for this [type of form], warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application.
Parent Signature if Student/Alumni is under 18:  Please type your First and Last Name
Please note that CACHS Transcripts include SAT and ACT scores; official SAT and ACT scores must be  ordered through Collegeboard and ACT
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