Community Mobility Committee - Member Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Community Mobility Committee (CMC). Any member of the public can be a general member of the CMC, attend meetings, and participate in sub-committees. Please complete this application if you are interested in serving as a voting member

Community Mobility Committee Mission Statement:
An advisory committee dedicated to understanding the changing dynamic of mobility, created to advise the City of St. Louis and local transportation, parks, and planning agencies on planning, policy, design, funding, education, and enforcement efforts regarding the creation, maintenance, and operation of non-vehicular transportation facilities. The Community Mobility Committee shall work to ensure sensitivity to issues in the design and implementation of public and private projects which have an impact on the non-vehicular transportation network.

The CMC consists of 31 voting members, but our meetings are also open to the public for general comment and input. Any member of the public can be a general member of the CMC, attend meetings, and participate in sub-committees. Please complete this application if you are interested in serving as a voting member. For more information about the CMC, please visit: or 

If you have any questions, please email

Please fill out and return this application for review by our committee.

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Full Name
Email (this will not be shared)
Phone number (this will not be shared)
The Community Mobility Committee takes seriously the responsibility of serving as a diverse board that equitably represents all members of the St. Louis Community. We welcome unique perspectives that inform the conversation about enhancing mobility in the City of St. Louis.
We are focused on ensuring our membership represents the community; to that end, we have included a few demographic questions. We use this information to ensure our voting membership is representative of the demographics of the City of St. Louis. The information you provide in this application will be reviewed by the current members of the committee, without your name or contact information. However, it may be possible to identify you based on the information you provide; please only provide the information you are comfortable with sharing.
Please indicate which race(s) and/or ethnicity you identify with. (Optional)
What is your gender?  (Optional)
In which neighborhood do you reside?
Please indicate how frequently you use the following transportation options:
Taking buses
Taking MetroLink
Driving Alone
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If you marked "other" above, please describe this additional transportation option:
Are there specific identities that you identify with that you believe have affected your transportation choices? (ex. transgender, person of color, parent, or another identity that has made using public transportation or other modes of transportation challenging)  (Optional)
Do you identify as having a disability that affects your ability to use transportation?  (Optional)
Describe your community affiliations, such as your employer, volunteer roles, civic participation, etc.
Do you plan to speak for your employer or any other organization through your participation in the Community Mobility Committee?
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The purpose of the Community Mobility Committee is to maintain productive and functional relationships with the City of St. Louis. To that end, it is important our members are familiar with and follow our bylaws as they participate in this committee. Additionally, CMC members  must attend our bi-monthly meetings (6/year).
Do you agree to...
The goals of this committee
The by-laws
Attend bi-monthly meetings
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Would you be interested in participating in the CMC as a general member? General members participate in committee meetings, serve on sub-committees, and serve in leadership roles. Voting members are able to vote on CMC endorsements and positions, as well as on new voting members.
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Please use the remaining space to provide your statement of interest in the CMC. You may use this space to elaborate on your experiences as a person walking, biking, or using public transit (ex. mother traveling with kids on public transportation, a person walking with a stroller regularly on the sidewalks, a person using an e-scooter to get around, a person who is not able to drive a car, etc.)?
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