Friends of Belmont HS Soccer (FOBS) Player Contact Form
Friends of Belmont Soccer (FOBS) is an all volunteer, parent run organization. Our mission is to support the Belmont High School soccer programs. Please fill out the information so we can communicate with you and your player about Belmont HS Soccer activities and events throughout the school year and summer. Thank you and visit us at
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Player's First Name *
Player's Last Name *
Gender *
Player's Primary Email Address: *
Please provide a contact email where we can easily reach you throughout the year 
Player's Primary Contact Phone Number (Cell) *
Please use the following phone number format ex. 617-555-1212.  If None, please enter N/A
Player's Home Phone Number  *
Please use the following phone number format ex. 617-555-1212.  If None, please enter N/A
School Grade (Entering Grade this September) *
Please enter the Grade the student will be entering this Upcoming School Year or select "Other" if your student has graduated
Player's Birth Year *
Primary Guardian's  First Name *
Primary Guardian's  Last Name *
Primary Guardian's Email Address: *
Please provide a contact email where we can easily reach you throughout the year 
Primary Guardian's Contact Phone Number *
Please use the following phone number format ex. 617-555-1212.  If None, please enter N/A
Alternate Guardian's First Name
Alternate Guardian's Last Name
Alternate Guardian's Email Address:
Please provide a contact email where we can easily reach you throughout the year 
Alternate Guardian's Contact Phone Number
Please use the following phone number format ex. 617-555-1212.  If None, please enter N/A
Thank You!
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