Engage with Technology Alberta
Technology Alberta is a not-for-profit industry organization, which engages with the innovation community (including post-secondaries, small-to-medium-sized tech businesses, and more). Options for engagement include: paid-services; or at times, government grant programs (as available).

If you're interested in engaging Technology Alberta for your organization's initiatives, please fill out the form below and one of our team members will get back to you within 5 business days.

For a quicker response, please email: president@technologyalberta.com
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Contact Name  *
Contact Email Address *
Contact Role (ie. Job Title)
Contact Phone Number *
Organization Name *
Organization Website
Brief description of your business.
Please describe the purpose of the engagement (ie. Bring Tech Companies to new facilities; Inform Students on Jobs in the Tech Sector; etc)
Preferred Date of Event or Initiative
Select the type of engagement: *
Estimated time commitment for engagement.
What general budget is available for this project?
What is your connection to Alberta?
If you have any further questions or comments - please state below, and Thank you!
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