Class-6,Buildings Paintings and Books
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Q1) _____ are grand, long compositions, about heroic men and women, which also include stories about gods. *
1 point
Q2) What is the literal meaning of the word 'purana'? *
1 point
Q3) The Puranas contain stories about gods and goddesses, such as *
1 point
Q4) _______ was a great astronomer who developed a scientific explanation for eclipses. *
1 point
Q5)                     is recognised as the author of the Sanskrit Ramayana. *
1 point
Q6) Name the two Tamil epics composed by Ilango and Sattanar respectively. *
1 point
Q7) Aryabhata stated the phenomenon of earth's rotation and also found nearly accurate formula of circumference of a circle hence, he is                   *
1 point
Q8)  The Great stupa is located at   ​​​​                  in Madhya Pradesh. *
1 point
Q9) The most important part of the temple where the image of chief deity was placed is was known as ____________. *
1 point
Q10) One would like to visit Mahabalipuram as they know that it is famous for ___________________. *
1 point
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