2020 Global Game Jam - Volunteer Sign-up
Thanks for helping out with the Global Game Jam!

Check any roles/times you are available. We're aiming to keep most volunteer time to 4 hours max per day. We'll let you know which role/time slots you've been selected for in a couple days.

**If your availability differs slightly from a role/time (e.g., you'd have to come 30 minutes later), you can still check that timeslot and make a note about your schedule in the "Additional Info" box below it.

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Friday, January 31st
Check timeslot you are interested in (can be multiple)
Saturday, February 1st
Check timeslot you are interested in (can be multiple)
Sunday, February 2nd
Check timeslot you are interested in (can be multiple)
Additional info about your schedule
Specific role request *
Do you have any preference for what you'd like to help out with?
If you would like to be a photographer, do you have a camera?
Clear selection
Your name *
Your email *
A contact # *
T-shirt size *
Thank You!
Get ready to be part of a great game jam!
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