PTSA Volunteer Survey
"Many hands make light work!" and we would love for a big team of people who can all chip in in little ways to help continue to make Albert Einstein "THE PLACE TO BE" for all of our students and our PTA GOALS.  We need help with events, teacher appreciation, and fundraising (we have a fundraising goal of $20,000 to support Homecoming, Post Prom, Teacher Appreciation, and so much more)!  Please let us know how you can help!
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I am a proud parent of an Einstein student:
PTSA needs and welcomes volunteers in a number of roles. Please select all in which you'd like to participate (feel free to elaborate in the comments):
We also need donations of tangible items for PTSA-sponsored events. Please select items that you can contribute (we will contact you to follow up!).
The PTSA is planning a Silent Auction to raise funds. We need donations of goods and services to auction for bidding. If you have a connection or an item for the auction, please indicate what you can donate, below. We will follow up. 
I would be willing to give an hour to help the auction committee, by contacting 5-10 local businesses for donations (all information and communications provided by the auction committee!)
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