School Performance Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in partnering with New Ballet Ensemble & School to bring dance and stories to students at your school.  

Completion of this interest form is not a commitment to book anything. Rather it allows me to obtain specific details ahead of contacting you. If you would like to contact me directly, please call 901.726.9225 or email me at

Thank you!

Mary Golden
Director of Education and Community Partnerships
New Ballet Ensemble and School

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Email *
Your name *
What class or classes do you teach? *
School where you currently teach *
School address and county *
Please include your state, zip code and County
Phone number *
School performance of interest: (you may select more than one) *
Are you interested in a virtual or live performance? *
Do you have a budget assigned for field trips? *
If your school is located in TN, is it registered with the  Student Ticket Subsidy program from the Tennessee Arts Commission? *
Questions and comments
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