Tattoo Request Form
This is a tattoo request form (online consultation).  PLEASE BE SPECIFIC WITH ANSWERS. INCOMPLETE OR VAGUE RESPONSES WILL BE IGNORED. THE MORE DETAIL AND SPECIFIC YOU ARE, THE BETTER WE CAN GET YOU WITH THE RIGHT ARTIST AND BOOKED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Please send any reference images to with your name included in the subject line. Once again, if you do not have the time to be specific with what you want, we don't have the time to respond. 
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Email *
Name (First and Last please) *
Email Address: *
Cell Number (for Text Messages Only) *
DETAILED Description of Design *
Body Placement (Be Specific) *
Size of tattoo in inches. (Please don't say small, med, or large, this isn't McDonalds). *
Appointment Request/ Day of Week  (Select All that apply) *
Preferred Time of Day Preferred *
Please send any reference images to   - Include your name in the subject line. *
Any additional information that may be relevant, please be specific and detailed. The more information we have from here, the quicker we may be able to get you scheduled in.
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