Dumping Implosion Teach-in Booking Form
Thank you for booking a Trash Academy Implosion Teach-in!

At Trash Academy, one of our primary goals is to complicate the seemingly simple and straightforward issue of trash. Understanding, unpacking and analyzing complex systems is a fundamental part of our praxis. The ‘implosion’ is a unique and fascinating research method for exploring hidden connections and complexities, pioneered and developed by professor Donna Haraway. Because the implosion method fosters the development of concrete, situated knowledge, it is especially useful for helping us to understand how common household objects exist in the world, and how the world exists in them.

Trash Academy’s unique angle on communicating via the implosion method involves horizontal collaboration with community members, youth, artists, activists, environmental justice advocates, and experts. Because we prefer to address the serious issues of climate change and environmental justice through the point of entry of fun and creativity, we visualize and diagram the implosion rather than relying exclusively on text.

The implosion teach-in is about an hour, presented in person or virtually.

Please contact us at trashacademy@muralarts.org for more information.
The deadline for cancellation is 24 hours prior to webinar start time.

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