Feedback Form
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On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your overall experience at the ZimLinkUp Concert?

Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied

On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your overall experience at the ZimLinkUp Day Party?

Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied

How would you rate the concert organisations and logistics (entry process, security, etc.)?

Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied

Were the ticket prices reasonable for the experience you received?


Did you know the Concert had a vendor selling food on both floors? 


Did you find the lineup diverse and enjoyable?


Should future lineups include more traditional music (e.g Jiti, Sungura etc)


Should ZimLinkUp include special guests from other communities (e.g Reggae or Afro Pop Artist) 


Would you attend ZimLinkUp again if it was an outdoor (two day) family festival?


Would you attend ZimLinkUp again if it was held in a larger indoor arena (running from 2pm - 11pm)?


Any other feedback (positive or negative)

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