2022 West Coast Blue Penguin Count
Recording sign of blue penguins for fun and to help penguin conservation!  Feel free to complete form for different days, different sites.  Thank you for taking part.
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Please observe sensible safety precautions: check tide times, advise someone of your location and expected return time, give wildlife a wide berth etc.  For more information and advice, see our website: https://www.westcoastpenguintrust.org.nz/projects/great-annual-blue-penguin-count/
Name *
Email *
District *
Location of count, e.g. Carters Beach, Granity etc *
Start of count - grid ref or identifiable location *
End of count - grid ref or identifiable location *
Approximate length of count area *
Date *
Time of day of survey *
Number of seaward bound tracks counted (if zero, please use 0) *
Number of penguins seen *
Number of dotterels seen
Number of variable oyster catchers seen
Any comments, observations or concerns, e.g. erosion, development, dogs, vehicles, wildlife ...  Thank you!
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