法鼓山新加坡护法会 – 慰问关怀申请表格Condolence and Care Application Form
Only committee members or volunteers of Dharma Drum Singapore are eligible to apply
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个人资料保护 Personal Data Protection:

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2012, we would like to inform you the followings and seek your agreement for Dharma Drum Singapore to collect, use and disclose your personal data:
1.  Dharma Drum Singapore (DDS) will abide by PDPA on the storage of information and its use for the relevant continuous service of this application and thereafter.
2.  The applicant and all personnel mentioned in this application hereby consent on the storage and use of information by DDS.
3.  The applicant and all personnel mentioned in this application can request to check, correct, delete or cease the usage of collected personal data.
申请人和往生者家属是否同意新加坡护法会收集及使用个资?Do applicant and family of the deceased agree to comply with the collection and usage of personal particulars by DDS? *
申请人须知事项 Important Information for applicant
(一)为了维持良好沟通协调的和谐气氛, 家属联络人必须是关怀项目的决策人。助念组只会和申请人/家属联络人共同协调。
(二)庄严的佛事主要是以清净沉稳的佛号声来安定往生者和其家属的思绪。 法鼓山新加坡护法提倡以惜福培福,配合环保理念, 简化节约的方式来设置灵堂。家属只需要穿着以素色为主, 保持整洁干净即可。
(三)佛国净土是安乐无苦的国土, 因此家属一起来念佛就是要帮助往生者提起正念, 也一起念佛; 只要相信,就能往生佛国净土了。这也说明佛教仪式是不需要任何一件这世间的物品来当供品的缘由。
(四)如果人力不足, 只有义工前往关怀而没有诵念。

(1) In order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere of good communication and coordination, the family member of care receiver must be the decision maker for the care receiver.
(2) Buddhist funeral rites are solemn and dignified affairs. They comprise largely of serene and stable chanting to calm the mind and the heart of the deceased and the bereaved family. DDS advocates the cultivation of merits through cherishing and performing meritorious acts, such as avoiding lavish spending in setting up the mourning halls and observing practices consistent with environmental consciousness. The family only needs to dress in plain colors and keep themselves neat and clean.
(3) The Pure Land of the Buddha is a land of peace and happiness without suffering. Family members reciting the name of the Amitabha Buddha together will help the deceased focus on righteous thoughts, and calling upon the Buddha with faith will lead the deceased to the Buddha's pure land. This illustrates why Buddhist rituals do not require material offerings of this world.
(4) In the event of insufficient manpower, no rituals will be performed.
申请人和往生者家属是否同意遵守以上事项?Do the applicant and the family of the deceased agree to comply with the above? *
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