Merseyside Against Blood Cancers, The Bloom Appeal: Grant Application: Research & Education Grants 
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Have you ever applied to Merseyside Against Blood Cancers, The Bloom Appeal for a grant? *
If yes please provide the date:
Please Note:
An application may only be accepted if the applicant has already gained funding from their institute, for example University or the NHS.

Invoices or in some cases receipts will be required prior to the release of funds.  If this presents you with financial difficulties please let us know. 
Grant Recipient Details
Full Name *
Address *
Telephone no and/or email address: *
The grant is to support: (please select one) *
The following Mentor/Supervisor/Line Manager details are required for verification purposes:
Name of Mentor/Supervisor/Line Manager *
Contact details: (this must be an academic/work email address) *
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