Would you invest in the OVN?
Perhaps you only have a limited understanding of the OVN model. It doesn't matter at this point. If things are not clear you can add questions in Additional comments section. Our goal it to assess what people think from what they see on the website and from what they already know.
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If you win $200,000 at the lottery tomorrow, how much of it would you invest in SENSORICA? *
What would you do with the rest of the money? *
This info is important to assess if you have other urgent needs for this money. You can answer something like: pay debt, invest in something else, give it to charity, improve my standard of living, have fun...
Why did you chose to invest this much... *
We are looking for something like: excellent idea!, risk is too high, nice products!, trust - there is no legal structure, therefore no security, there are better investment alternatives out there, good potential for innovation!, I don't like SENSORICA, I think the economic model behind SENSORICA is flaw, I like the open model!, there is no intellectual property, ...
What would it take for you to invest more? *
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