Chokecherry Class Waitlist

Due to a very high demand for this class we are creating a waitlist. Please fill out the form below and we will inform you if a spot opens up.

Join the Wapas Nah Nee Shaku team in partnership with the OSU Extension Service, as we learn how to make chokecherry jelly, syrup, and pudding! All supplies will be included. 

BIPOC families and individuals will have priority registration as space is limited.

Class will be held at Barbie's Village 935 NE 33RD AVE from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. 

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Email *
Tribal Affiliation if any? (n/a if not applicable) *
How many people will attend? Please indicate whether it is youth, elders, or adults.  *
Do you have previous knowledge of the uses and benefits of the chokecherry? *
Do you have any accessibility needs, if so, what are they? 
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