All Councils/Associations - Ongoing Call for Questions
State/Regional/National Associations: Please share this request with your membership and have them submit questions per the link below.

Attention All Medicare Council Members and State/Regional/National Associations,

There are quarterly Medicare Council meetings. Please check with the Council office to see the confirmed dates for Region B and Jurisdiction C Councils meetings.  
In between the official call for questions, use this on-line form to submit questions for the appropriate A-Teams. The question(s) will be added to the next official call for questions.

The questions will be compiled by the Council office and forwarded to the respective A-Team Leaders for the Council in charge of the questions.
The questions you submit will be reviewed during the A-Team teleconference calls with Jur B, C and D Councils membership. Details of the teleconference calls lead by the Jurisdiction Council A-Team leaders will be announced by the respective Council office.
The compiled questions will then be submitted to the designated DME MAC. Medicare personnel will ultimately answer the questions in writing, and answers are then distributed to the Councils and State/Regional/National Associations. The Associations then can forward out to their respective membership.
These forums are intended to discuss and resolve broad policy, coverage and processing problems that impact multiple providers, rather than individual claim difficulties.  Therefore, before you submit a question:
     1. Please utilize all available resources at the DME MAC to obtain your answer before submitting through this forum.
     2. Ensure the question is relevant to multiple providers.
     3. Ensure the question is formatted to be concise, and has a definitive “ask” that lends itself to effective responses from the DME MACs.
     4. If your question involves claim processing issues you must submit one or more Claim Control Numbers (CCNs) to allow the DME MACs the opportunity for proper research.
     5. Attach (or send to the Councils office) appropriate documentation that does not contain personal health information (PHI), do not include patient specific information via email for it is not a secure method of exchanging health information and is a violation of HIPAA.
     6. If your question relates back to a conversation with MAC staff, you must submit a CCN or DCN that was the subject of the call, date of the telephone contact, representative’s name or ID number and major discussion points or outcome of the call.
If the A-Team determines these criteria are not met, the question will be removed from submission to the DME MACs.
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Jurisdiction B, C, or D - Please select which you are representing with your question. *
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