Program Registration: Adults
Adults are invited to participate in Hudson Area Public Library's 2024 Summer Reading Program, "Reading Is a Blast!"

For every 2.5 hours spent reading--in any format (audiobook, eBook, etc.)--adults earn incentives and/or tickets (called "Star Slips") toward prize raffles.

Adults can bring their 2024 Mission Booklets to the library to receive recognition as they complete one or more Reading Logs.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name: *
Last Name:
Home Library:
Your "home" library is the public library supported by a portion of your property taxes.
Current Age Bracket:
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Phone Number: *
Please enter the phone number with area code. Example: (309) 726-1103
A library staff member will call this phone number if you win a prize drawing.
Thank you for registering for our 2024 Summer Reading Program!
Adults can begin picking up their 2024 Mission Booklets beginning the week of Tuesday, May 28 during library hours. Announcements and reminders from Hudson Area Public Library may occasionally be sent to the email address you entered throughout the summer.

Please visit the library's website at for additional details and registration forms related to upcoming special events!
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