Hillel MKE 2023-2024 Service Engagement Internship Application
Service Engagement Interns will spend this year learning about community organizing and a justice issue of their choice, and then volunteering in the local community and creating opportunities for others to volunteer, too. You'll explore social justice and its connection to Jewish values as well as take relevant, meaningful, and tangible action to make the world a better place. Sound like something you’re interested in? Apply today!

  • Volunteer 10 times.

  • Engage at least 25 additional students, each of whom will volunteer at least once.

  • Attend an orientation session (options in September or October) and mid-year training (January).

  • Participate in a local or national cohort learning experience depending on the number of interns on your campus and your supervisor’s plan.

  • Regularly check in with your supervisor.

This is a year-long internship from September to May. Service Engagement Interns will receive a $500 stipend from Repair the World in recognition of their work. They will be expected to fulfill all program requirements with the support of Hillel staff and other campus and community resources.

View FAQs here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/183KnLxnx1PnPM78cVDR9zLBxAsxTemLthd5C8iH5zoU/edit?usp=sharing 

Applications are due on Tuesday, September 12. Questions? Please contact Josh at josh@hillelmke.org
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Name *
Email *
I am: *
Graduation Year *
Why are you interested in the Service Engagement Internship? *
Which areas of social justice most interest you? *
What organizations and clubs are you involved in on campus and/or in the surrounding community? Please include any leadership positions you hold in those groups. *
Between engaging 25 unique students in service and collaborating with organizations, outreach is a big part of this internship. Tell us about a time you connected someone new to an existing group. How did you go about it? What did you learn from the experience? *
Have you reviewed and can you commit to all of the required trainings and requirements of the internship listed in the document above?
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