Application for Sparkathon 2020-2021 Team
We are looking for people to join Sparkathon's team! This is a dance marathon event where we dance in order to raise money for UI Health. We welcome returners and first timers to be apart of our team, you just need to be passionate about the kids! Applications close May 31st.

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Public Relations/Marketing Director
The role of the Public Relations/Marketing Director is to create awareness of Sparkathon on campus and in the community through high quality, cause-connection, material circulation.  The Public Relations/Marketing Director is responsible for managing social media platforms, the management of other media outlets, and the branding of Sparkathon campus and in the community. He/She will also be responsible for creating event materials including the event t shirt and other marketing materials.
Finance Director (Treasurer)
The Finance Director is responsible for all finances in relation to Sparkathon. The Finance Director is responsible for managing the budget, and potentially organizing food carts or other fundraising events for start up costs of booking the gym for the dance.  You will also assist with tracking how much each group has raised and in making sure all of the teams have met their requirements. You will also assist with other administrative tasks.
Full Name *
Year of Graduation *
If you want a position, what is your first choice?
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If you want a position, what is your second choice?
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Why do you want to be a part of this board?
What ideas do you have for the Dance Marathon?
What prior leadership/volunteer experience do you have?
Roughly how many hours a week will you be able to contribute?
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