HPS Awards Nominations
More information about nomination requirements can be found on the HPS website. Go to: https://hps.org/membersonly/operations/ and click on Awards Nominations. The deadline is 1 March (except for the National Student Science Award).  

All submissions must be submitted in electronic format. Nominations remain in the queue for 3 years, but you may want to consider updating previous submissions to include any important new information that may be valuable in evaluating the nomination.

For most awards, the Society rules require that nominations be made by chapter presidents, by section presidents, or by petition of six members of the Society. However, there are exceptions:
Fellow Award nominations may be made by any plenary member.
National Student Science Award nominations may be made by any plenary member, chapter president, or section president.
Geoffrey G. Eichholz Outstanding Science Teacher Award nominations may be made by chapter presidents, section presidents, the chair of the Science Support Committee, or any full member of the Society.

Thank you for your time and attention in nominating someone for an award.

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First and Last Name of person submitting nomination *
Email address of person submitting nomination *
Robley D. Evans Commemorative Medal Nominee
Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award Nominee
Elda E. Anderson Award Nominee
Founders Award Nominee
Fellow Award Nominee
Distinguished Public Service Award Nominee
Health Physics Honor Roll Award Nominee
Geoffrey G. Eichholz Outstanding Science Teacher Award Nominee
National Student Science Award Nominee
Lectureship Award: G. William Morgan Nominee
Lectureship Award: Robert S. Landauer, Sr. Nominee
Lectureship Award: Dade Moeller Nominee
Please enter your reasons for your nomination(s). If you would prefer to upload a file, submit that here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H2k8n4S-HROLom5DoW-bqR5odrUCdAgg?usp=sharing. If uploading a file, please note that below. *
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