Champlain College Esports Interest Form
 Interested in being an esports athlete at Champlain College? Let us know!

We offer scholarships for our two varsity teams, but if neither of those are up your alley we also have the largest club on campus that facilitates 10+ teams and can always add more.

Have questions? Join our Discord:

Interested in Making Games?
Champlain College Esports aligns with Champlain’s career-driven approach to higher education, which prepares students for their professional life from their very first semester. On average, 85% of Champlain’s game students achieve career success within six months of graduation. By the time they graduate, Champlain’s game students are fully prepared to join professional studios and many are hired directly into major game studios.

Check it out today:
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Email *
Which Varsity team are you interested in?
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Which club teams are you interested in?
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Discord Tag w/ Numbers, (ex. Champ#8215) *
Game Handle's (For each of your selections above) *
Peak and current rank? (For each of your selections above)
Which of these options most accurately describes you: *
Tell us a bit about your experience on other teams, (esports or traditional), and anything else you'd want us to know about you!
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