Submit a Helpdesk Ticket
BRIDGE-RI was upgrade in July 2023. To help with this transition we have provided an overview of these updates which will help with navigation, completing courses, and obtaining a certificate. 
Before submitting a ticket, please view the video. BRIDGE-RI Navigation & Certificates.

If you are trying to reset your password and can't find the autogenerated email in your inbox, please check your spam folder before proceeding with a ticket. 

In addition, this technical guide will answer almost all of your questions; such as, finding an enrollment key, locating certificates, and more. Still need help after reading the guide? Fill out the form below. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Before submitting a ticket: Check these very common Q&As
We also have a tech support page on BRIDGE-Ri
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

We are a small team of 5 educators and do our best to priority help desk ticket requests. BRIDGE-RI will answer all Helpdesk tickets within 2-3 school days (does not included weekends and holiday). Please also anticipate longer than normal wait times on State PD Days or other days scheduled for professional learning.

Name (First and Last) *
Please describe the problem you encountered in detail. *
Please provide the course name and section in which the problem occurred. You may also provide a URL. *
Select the category for the problem. *
What browser are you using? *
On what type of device did you experience the problem? *
Priority *
Please include the best phone number to reach you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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