Women-Centric Design: Contribute an example, resource, feedback, or translation
Welcome to the Women-Centric Design contribution form! Through this form, you can contribute:
  • An example relevant to Women-Centric Design
  • A resource for our library of resources
  • Feedback to help us improve this work
  • A translation of this work into another language to increase accessibility
You'll only be able to submit one thing at a time, but you are welcome to make several submissions. 

We ask for your name and email address for two reasons: 
  1. To reach out to you with any follow-up questions
  2. To give you credit on the website. If you'd rather not be named, please say so in the form.
In case this form is confusing for you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form. Thank you so much for being here and taking the time to contribute to Women-Centric Design!
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What would you like to contribute? *
This form only allows submission of one thing at a time, but you are welcome to make several submissions!
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