Friends of Cancer Research Patient Advocate Engagement Survey
We created this survey to better understand your experience with cancer and how we can best serve advocates interested in our work.

Additionally, we created the Advisory Advocate group as an opportunity for advocates to be more engaged in our work. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please see the bottom of this form for additional details.

All information will be kept private and will not be distributed.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Age Range *
Race and Ethnicity *
Gender *
What is your experience with cancer? *
What cancer type were you or the person you care for diagnosed with? *
When were you or the person you care for diagnosed with cancer? *
Have you or the person you care for participated in a clinical trial? *
How long have you been an active patient advocate? *
Are you affiliated with any other patient advocacy or similar organizations? If yes, please fill in name of organization(s) under "other."
Have you completed any other advocacy training besides If yes, please specify under "other." *
Would you like to receive additional information about becoming an Advisory Advocate?

The goals of Friends Advisory Advocates are to:

- Provide an opportunity for advocates completing the course who are interested in getting more involved with Friends.

- Foster bi-directional relationships with a diverse group of Advisory Advocates to ensure Friends’ activities and projects are patient focused, and objectives fulfill the needs of the patient community.

- Establish a consistent group of Advisory Advocates who can join Friends’ projects as project partners (as interests arise and align).

- Provide a forum for sharing the needs of the cancer patient community as it relates to Friends’ mission, with a focus on cancer research and FDA regulatory affairs.

- Encourage advocates to share their experience as an Advisory Advocate with others to disseminate project findings more widely, encourage others to become involved, and engage/improve cancer research throughout the community.

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