RCP Employment Interest Form
We love meeting folks who are passionate about RCP's mission and are looking for a career in the nonprofit-social-justice world. This is not a job application - it is simply a way for you to communicate your interest in working at RCP and to share a little bit about what types of opportunities you'd be interested in. This form is open to the public - all respondents will be added to our mailing list to receive announcements about new job openings. 

In the meantime, stay connected to use via Facebook and Instagram! 
  • Instagram: @refugeecommunitypartnership
  • Facebook: @rcpnc
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
What do you do for work currently? *
Email address *
Phone number *
Address *
Tell us why you want to work at RCP! *
Have you worked for RCP before? *
Describe the type of work that you thrive in most
What skills and experience would you bring to the RCP team?
Are you fluent in language(s) other than English? If so, which ones? *
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This form was created inside of Refugee Community Partnership.

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