Quiz: What's Your Pain Point?
Do you need to make a change, but aren't sure where to start? Take this JLC quiz and start to add some clarity to your life.
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What is causing you the MOST pain right now? *
How would you describe how you feel at the beginning of your week? *
If resources were unlimited and there were no other barriers to realizing a lifelong dream, could you clearly and positively describe that dream to someone? *
If you had to pick one of the following to focus on for the next 3 to 6 months, which would you choose? *
Tally up how many of each letter you answered above.  Which letter did you choose the most? (If you didn't choose any letter more than once, put the letter that you chose for the last question.) Note: Remember this answer for the results you will receive when you click submit. You can also have your responses emailed to you by clicking that option below. *
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