International Soccer Camp 2024
River of Life Church, 4294 Hodgson Road, Shoreview, MN 55126
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Player #1 Name
Player #1 Age
Player #1 Birthdate
Player #1 Gender
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Player #2 Name
Player #2 Age
Player #2 Birthdate
Player #2 Gender
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Player(s) Street Address
Player(s) City State and Zip Code
Player(s) Parent or Guardian Name
Relationship to player
Parent or Guardian's cell phone number
Emergency Contact Name (other than parent or guardian)
Emergency Contact's Cell Phone number
Player #1 T-shirt size
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Player #2 T-shirt size
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Name of person picking up the player at the end of camp?
Any allergies or chronic illness or other conditions we should know about?
First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment
I recognize that there may be occasions where the child(ren) name above may be in need of first aid or emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident, injury, illness or other health conditions. I do hereby give permission for agnets of River of Life Church (ROL) and Envision to seek and secure any needed medical attention or treatment for teh child(ren) named above including hospitalization if, in the agent's opinion, such needs arise. In doing so, I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this action to obtain medical treatment. I give permission for attending physician(s) and other medical personnel to administer any needed medical treatment, including surgery.

Release of Liability
By signing this Permission and Waiver Form, I attest that the child(ren) named above are capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands of Soccer Camp activities. I also expressly assume all risks to the child(ren) participating in the activities , whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time. I further release ROL and Envision, and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers and agents from any claim that my child(ren) may have against them as a result of injury or illness incurred during the course of participation in Soccer Camp activies. This release of liability is also intended to cover all claims that members of the child(ren)'s or family or estate, heirs, representatives or assigns may have against ROL or Envision, or its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, or agents. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless ROL and Envision and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, or agents from any and all claims arising from or as a result of injury or illness of my child(ren) during such activities.

Photo Permission Form
ROL and Envision may use photos to promote ministries and events via webpages, social media, printed publications, hallway bulletin boards, classroom displays, etc. Please indicate your permission below.
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Do you agree to the above statements regarding first aid and emergency medical treatment, release of liability?
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Parent or Guardian's signature
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