Apply for an AAJA-DC stipend for the 2024 convention in Austin
We're excited to offer nine $1000 stipends to help more of our members make it to this year's AAJA convention in Austin! If you're interested, fill out this form by May 1 and we'll get back to everyone with a decision by mid-month (early registration closes June 19). 

Please note we'll likely ask stipend recipients to help out at chapter events at some point.
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Your name
Your email
Your job title & employer or year & school 
Please note if it's not current, ex. “former education editor @ TK Newsroom”
Please tell us why you're applying for a stipend.
How many AAJA conventions have you been to before?
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What are you hoping to get out of attending AAJA24 in Austin? 
Are you a current AAJA-DC member? 
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What city do you live in?
If it's not in the D.C. area, please let us know your connection to D.C. 
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