Nominate a Student for the 2025 Summer Fellowship
Nominate a student for the 2025 Hudson Institute Political Studies Summer Fellowship. 
You are welcome to nominate more than one student for the Fellowship – simply submit the form again if you would like to nominate more than three students. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Your connection with the student:
(i.e. professor, supervisor, etc.)
Student First Name: *
Student Last Name: *
Student Email Address: *
Why is this student a good candidate for the Summer Fellowship? 
Student 2 First Name: *
Student 2 Last Name: *
Student 2 Email Address: *
Why is this student (2) a good candidate for the Summer Fellowship? 
Student 3 First Name: *
Student 3 Last Name: *
Student 3 Email Address: *
Why is this student (3) a good candidate for the Summer Fellowship? 
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