Trivette Clinic ParaFest 2024 Paranormal/Fan Table Application

Table and Space size:

  • The cost per space is $25.00.
  • Each space includes a 10x10 area. 
  • All displays must fit within the 10x10 area and not cross into other spaces.
  • Team and fan spaces will be assigned at the discretion of the Trivette Clinic ParaFest 2024 team.

Event Tickets
1 ticket is provided with your table space. Once you are approved for your table space, please purchase any additional required tickets through the website.
Load in, Load out, Table coverage
Group is expected to provide their own labor for load-in, load-out and operating their table.
Payment Deadline
Payment will be due within 2 week of acceptance by Trivette Clinic ParaFest 2024. Spaces that are not paid for within the two week window will be sold to other groups on a first-come basis. Once a fan group is accepted, an invoice will be emailed to the contact person for the group. Electronic payment is preferred. Cash or checks can be mailed as long as it is received within the two weeks of acceptance.
All sales of space, tables and memberships are final. We are not able to offer refunds.
Electricity and Internet
There is no electricity or WiFi available at the event.
No Sales
The purpose of the paranormal and fan tables is for self-promotion and raising awareness of your group and/or brand only. This means there will be no selling or collecting of money of any kind. 

If a table is discovered to be selling merchandise and accepting any money, they will be removed from the event with no refundYou are allowed to distribute swag and do giveaways as long purchase is not required.

The ultimate responsibility for all displays and exhibits resides with the owner/operator of said exhibit.
The Rules
Group agrees to abide by the following additional rules:

  1. Group agrees not to place any items in front of any other spaces or event areas.
  2. Group shall not rent or give away any part of their assigned space to a third party without permission of Trivette Clinic ParaFest 2024.
  3. Group shall not set-up any sound system or video presentation without permission of Trivette Clinic ParaFest. 
  4. Groups may give away merchandise. Examples of allowed items are: swag, buttons, stickers, headbands, cups, etc. 
  5. Displays should not include items that are NSFW. 
  6. Group will follow with all written municipal, state and federal laws. 
  7. Group will have their table/space set up during the duration of the event from 10am-5pm. If you are unable to do so, please let us know in your initial indication of interest. Limited exception may be able to be made.
  8. Set-up begins at 8am and must be completed by 10am.
  9. Breakdown starts at 5pm and must be completed by 6pm.

The Legal Fine Print
Exhibitors agree to release, absolve, and hold blameless Trivette Clinic ParaFest, including the Trivette Clinic, event committee, and all other agents thereof against all costs, damages, losses and liabilities resulting from any accident, bodily injury or property loss occurring to any person or persons including exhibitor, exhibitor’s agents, and/or employees, or attendees of the convention arising out of or resulting from the group’s use and occupancy of the exhibit area or any part thereof.

Email *
Name of Group/Content/Paranormal Team *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
What is your group about? *
What is your group's mission and values? *
What information will you be distributing at your table? This include pamphlets, booklets, etc. *
Will you be giving any swag away? If so, please describe it here. *
Trivette Clinic ParaFest 2024 Code of Conduct
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