2023 Simsbury Fly-In Volunteer Sign Up
Thanks for volunteering for the Fly-In! You're willingness to volunteer helps preserve Simsbury Airport for future generations.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number (Optional)
Volunteer Duties
Below are when the various volunteer positions and shifts that are needed. If you're willing to work the entire event, please select "Other" and enter your preferred volunteer duty (preference are given to those working the whole event).

Volunteer Duty (1st Choice) *
Volunteer Duty (2nd Choice)
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T-Shirt Size
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Any other notes? Suggestions? Allergies?
Let us know if you have experience in your volunteer area of choice. Also let us know if you want to be paired up with anyone else and we'll make sure you are both assigned in the same place. Since we provide food for all volunteers, please let us know of any specific allergies/dietary requirements. Any suggestions or comments on how we can make the volunteer experience or event better? Let us know!
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