2024 Camp Sunflower Registration
Payment is due within 24 hours of registration. Follow the links to pay by credit card, or send an e-transfer to campsunflower@ukrainehelpvi.ca . Please complete one form per child.

Please note that we use email for communications about camp. Please ensure that the email address listed on this form is checked daily. 
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Email *
Child's Information
Child's Given Name (First Name) *
Child's Family Name (Last Name)  *
Who do we contact FIRST in case of emergency?
List: Name, phone number and relationship to child
Child's Birthday *
Child's Primary Address (including postal code) *
Allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of (if none, write "none").  *
Behavioural or psychological conditions that we should be aware of (if none, write "none").  *
Parents/Guardians Information
Parent/Guardian #1 Name  *
Parent/Guardian #1 Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian #2 Name 
Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Number
Other people who can pick up the child and/or be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Additional Contact #1
Additional Contact #1 Phone Number
Additional Contact #2
Additional Contact #2 Phone Number
Is there a court order or custody issues that we should be aware of? *
If yes, please elaborate
From time to time, we will have treats available, such as fruit, frozen treats, or crackers. Is your child permitted to eat snacks provided by staff? If your child has food allergies, please ensure they are listed in the "allergies" section.

***NOTE: Answering "NO" means we will not permit your child to eat any food they did not bring from home.***
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