Airbnb Copywriting & SEO
Hey there, Bill here! I'm honored to help you attract more Airbnb bookings using copywriting and search engine optimization. :)

I created this questionnaire to help me better understand you, your property, and your guests so I can write the most compelling listing possible. I know it seems like a lot, but the more information I have, the better!

Once you fill out this form, I will get back to you within 2 business days. Feel free to reach out to me at if you have any additional questions.
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Contact Info
Full Name
Business Name (If the Airbnb is under a business)
Email *
Questions about you and your property
This first section is to help me write the best listing copy possible. Please fill it out as thoroughly as you're able to! If you can't fill it all out, that's OK — but the more information I have, the better my copy will be!
Please link your Airbnb listing here. If you have more than one, link the one you'd like me to work on first at the top and the others underneath it. *
Have you made any recent changes to your listing? (Photos, description, title, pricing, etc.)
If so, what date did you make those changes?
Why did you buy this property? Is there an interesting story behind it? *
Who is your ideal guest? Who is most likely to book from you? Provide as much detail as possible. *
What are your favorite things about your property? What are the WOW factors — the top reasons someone would choose your property over a competitor?  *
What are your check-in and check-out times & procedures? *
Are there any amenities or features about your home that aren't in your current listing?
Do you have any house rules you would like included in your listing description?
Are there any competitors you're aware of that you can share with me? Please link them below and anything else you'd like me to know about them.
Questions about your listing for SEO purposes
These questions aren't directly related to your listing. However, there is more that goes into Airbnb SEO than just copy, and knowing the answers to these questions will help me help you further!
Do you have Instant Booking turned on? *
Do you always respond to guests within 24 hours? (Responsiveness is very important for the Airbnb search algorithm) *
Do you respond to every guest, even if they're not booking your home? (Again, Responsiveness is very important for the Airbnb search algorithm — even if you receive a booking request you don't want and you don't respond to it, that counts against you. Always respond quickly to everyone, ever time!) *
Do you ever cancel bookings? (Frequently canceling bookings can hurt your rankings.) *
Do you use dynamic pricing? *
Do you believe you are priced low, competitive, or high? *
Is your minimum night stay more than 3 nights? If so, why? (A higher than 3-night minimum can harm your search rankings.)
Is your booking calendar always up-to-date? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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